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Minnesota Permit to Carry Course
Introduction to course.
Setting the Bar. What is a Permit to Carry?
Paying Attention and Keeping Your Cool.
How to avoid conflict, and its increased importance in a carry situation.
Reasonable Persons Test Video (2:02)
Observing your environment, and keeping a lookout.
How much time is enough time?
Handgun Basics
Four Universal Firearm Safety Rules
Parts of a pistol
How it Fires (1:47)
Loading and unloading a Firearm (3:57)
Clearing Firearm Malfunctions (1:11)
Sizing and Selecting a Firearm.
Firearm Maintenance and Cleaning (4:58)
Ammunition: Types and Malfunctions
Ammunition types.
Ammunition malfunctions
Handling Ammunition Malfunctions
Shooting Fundamentals and Defensive Accuracy.
Proper Grip (4:00)
Weaver Stance (1:27)
Isosceles Stance (1:09)
Trigger pull. (4:43)
Drawing Your Firearm (8:48)
Legal Use of Force.
Reviewing the definitions of reasonable force and deadly force.
Justifiable taking of a life MSS 609.065
The four pillars, and the use of deadly force
The First Pillar: Reasonably in Immediate Fear of Death or Great Bodily Harm & 609.02 Definition
The Second Pillar: Must be an Innocent Party
The Third Pillar: You must have no reasonable means of retreat
The Fourth Pillar: No lesser force would suffice, and lethal force was a last resort
Defending property.
Pillar Recap
Shooting situations. What's the procedure?
Reactions caused by high levels of stress.
What do I say to an attacker in a defensive situation?
When there is no way out what do we do, and when does it stop?
After the defensive shooting situation. What phone calls do we make in any situation?
Handling police interaction
Psychological & Physical Effect After a Critical Incident
What is Critical Incident Stress?
Signs of a reaction to a critical stress situation
Where to look for help after a critical situation
Minnesota law and the personal protection act.
Criteria to qualify for your permit to carry.
Certain persons not to possess firearms 624.713
Carrying a weapon without a permit 624.714
What's the expiration on this thing, and what if I move?
To conceal or not to conceal?
Applying for a permit.
If you're denied your permit what's next?
What are the laws with the signs banning firearms?
Prohibited carry areas.
More info on carrying your firearm.
Alcohol and firearms do not mix.
Traveling to other states.
Storage and Negligent Storage
Negligent storage, and children around firearms.
Safe storage of firearms.
Next Steps
Join the NRA and the USCCA
Firearm Courses
Final Test
Electronic Signature
Esign the document for completing this course.
Live Fire shooting qualification exercise.
Schedule your shooting qualification
Teach online with
Four Universal Firearm Safety Rules
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